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Statut :Enseignant chercheurCorps :MAITRE DE CONFERENCESCNU :Psychologie et ergonomieComposante :UFR 5Unité de recherche :Equipe de recherche :EDUCATION & PROFESSIONALISATIONOrganisme d’affectation :Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3TRAVAUX SCIENTIFIQUES
Articles acceptés, en révision ou soumis (n=3):
1. Attout, L., Capizzi, M., & Charras, P. (accepté). Enhancing rhythmic temporal expectations: The dominance of auditory modality under spatial uncertainty. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. (Q2/Q1, IF= 2.04)
2. Leclercq, V. & Charras, P. (in revision). Exploring Spatial and Temporal Constraints in Proactive Suppression of Distractors.
3. Peleg, O., Soret, R., Charras, P., Peysakhovich, V., Mirelman, A., Maidan, I., & Levy, D. (submitted). Parkinson’s Disease causes selective impairments in endogenously cued orienting of attention.
Articles en préparation (n=2) :
1. Capizzi, M., Attout, L., Mioni, G., & Charras, P. (in prep). Testing temporal preparation: The Temporal Preparation Task (TEP-Task).
2. Attout, L., Lefevre*, S., & Charras, P. (in prep). The spatialization of short and long-term memory information on the sagittal plan: viability of the cultural assumption? Registered Report.
ACL : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture répertoriées par l’HCERES ou dans les bases de données internationales (n=23) :
1. Lebrun, C., Charras, P., & Bayard, S. (2024). Sleep-related attentional bias in insomnia: The mediating role of arousal. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 83, 101943. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2024.101943. (Q2/Q1, IF= 2.65)
2. Charras, P., Chica, A. B., Capizzi, M. (2023). On the relationship between rhythm-based temporal expectations and endogenous spatial attention in simple reaction-time tasks. Frontiers in Cognition, 2, 1191595, doi: 10.3389/fcogn.2023.1191595. (Q1/Q2, IF= 3.88)
3. Capizzi, M., Chica, A. B., Lupiáñez, J., & Charras, P. (2023). Attention to space and time: Independent or interactive systems? A narrative review. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30(7), 1-5. doi: 10.3758/s13423-023-02325-y. (Q1, IF= 4.36)
4. Capizzi, M., Martín-Signes, M., Coull, J. T., Chica, A. B., & Charras, P. (2023). A transcranial magnetic stimulation study on the role of the left intraparietal sulcus in temporal orienting of attention. Neuropsychologia, 184, 108561. doi : 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2023.108561. (Q1, IF= 3.01)
5. Bourgaux*, L., De Hevia, M.-D., & Charras, P. (2023). Spatio–numerical mapping in 3D: Is horizontal mapping the best candidate? Experimental Psychology, 70(1), 51–60. doi: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000575. (Q1/Q2, IF= 1.37)
6. Vidaud-Laperrière*, K., Brunel, L., Syssau-Vaccarella, A., & Charras, P. (2022) Exploring spatiotemporal interactions: On the superiority of time over space. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2022 Nov;84(8):2582-2595. doi: 10.3758/s13414-022-02546-8. Epub 2022 Oct 13. PMID: 36229633. (Q2/Q1, IF= 2.04)
7. Soret, R., Charras, P., & Peysakhovich, V. (accepted pre-registered report - stage 2). Attentional orienting in rear space using visual cues. Scientific Reports. (Q1, IF= 4.54)
8. Soret, R., Charras, P., Hurter, C., & Peysakhovich, V. (2022). Attentional Orienting in Front and Rear Spaces in a Virtual Reality Discrimination Task. Vision, 6(1), 3. doi : 10.3390/vision6010003. (Q2, IF= 1.53)
9. Soret, R., Charras, P., Khazar, I., Hurter, C., & Peysakhovich, V. (2020). Eye-tracking and virtual reality in 360-degrees: exploring two ways to assess attentional orienting in rear space. In Acm symposium on eye tracking research and applications (pp. 1–7). doi: 10.1145/3379157.3391418. (Q= NA, IF= NA)
10. Fonseca-Cruz*, J., Vidaud-Laperrière, K., Brechet, C. & Charras, P. (2020). Emotional Context Distorts Both Time and Space in Children. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science. 10(9), doi: 10.4236/jbbs.2020.109023. (Q= NA, IF= NA)
11. Soret, R., Charras, P., Hurter, C. & Peysakhovich, P. (2019). Attentional orienting in virtual reality using endogenous and exogenous cues in auditory and visual modalities. In ETRA19: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications. Eye Tracking for Spatial Research (ET4S), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 86, 1-8. doi: 10.1145/3317959.3321490. (Q= NA, IF= NA)
12. Charras, P., Droit-Volet, S., Brechet, C., Coull, J. (2017). The Spatial Representation of Time Can Be Flexibly Oriented in the Frontal or Lateral Planes From an Early Age. Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Perception & Performance. 43 (4), 832-845. doi: 10.1037/xhp0000349. (Q1, IF= 2.88)
13. Coull, J., Charras, P., Donadieu, M., Droit-Volet, S., Vidal, F. (2015). SMA codes the active accumulation of temporal, not spatial, information. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(11), 2281-98. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_00854. Epub 2015 Jul 30. (Q1, IF= 2.55)
14. Charras, P., Herbet, G., Deverdun, J., de Champfleur, N. M., Duffau, H., Bartolomeo, P., Bonnetblanc, F. (2015). Functional reorganization of the attentional networks in low-grade glioma patients: A longitudinal study. Cortex, 63, 27-41. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2014.08.010. (Q1, IF= 3.61)
15. Bonnetblanc, F., Herbet, G., Charras, P., Hayashibe, M., Guiraud, D., Duffau, H., Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2014). Asymmetric interhemispheric excitability evidenced by event-related potential amplitude patterns after "wide-awake surgery" of brain tumours. Experimental Brain Research, 232(12):3907-18. doi: 10.1007/s00221-014-4075-x. (Q3, IF= 2,12)
16. Charras, P., Molina, E. & Lupiáñez, J. (2014). Addition problems are biased by operands: Evidence from repeated versus different operands. Psychological Research, 78(2), 248-65. doi: 10.1007/s00426-013-0491-y. (Q1/Q2, IF= 2,64)
17. Charras, P., Brod, G., & Lupiáñez, J. (2012). Is 26+26 smaller than 24+28? Estimating the approximate magnitude of repeated vs. different numbers. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 74(1), 163-173. doi: 10.3758/s13414-011-0217-4. (Q2/Q1, IF= 2.04)
18. Gabay, S., Chica, A.B., Charras, P., Funes, M.J., & Henik, A. (2012). Cue and target processing modulate the onset of inhibition of return. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 38(1), 42-52. doi: 10.1037/a0023675. (Q1, IF= 2.88)
19. Charras, P., Lupiáñez, J., Migliaccio, R., Toba, M., Pradat-Diehl, P., Duret, C., Bartolomeo, P. (2012). Dissecting the component deficits of perceptual imbalance in visual neglect: Evidence from horizontal-vertical length comparisons. Cortex, 48(5):540-52. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2011.01.008. (Q1, IF= 3.61)
20. Charras, P., Lupiáñez, J., & Bartolomeo, P. (2010). Assessing the weights of visual neglect: A new approach to dissociate defective symptoms from productive phenomena in length estimation. Neuropsychologia, 48(11), 3371-3375. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.07.006. (Q1, IF= 3.01)
21. Charras, P., & Lupiáñez, J. (2010). Length Perception of Horizontal and Vertical Bisected Lines. Psychological Research, 74(2), 196-206. doi: 10.1007/s00426-009-0243-1. (Q1/Q2, IF= 2,64)
22. Charras, P., & Lupiáñez, J. (2009). The relevance of symmetry in line length perception. Perception, 38(10), 1428-1438. doi: 10.1068/p6287. (Q2/Q3, IF= 1,28)
23. Chica, A. B., Charras, P., & Lupiáñez, J. (2008). Endogenous attention and Illusory Line Motion depend on task set. Vision Research, 48(21), 2251-2259. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2008.06.022. (Q1 IF= 2,04)
Chapitres dans des ouvrages collectifs (n=3) :
1. Tricot, A., Puma, S., Capa, R., Audiffren, M., André, N., Lespiau, F., Roussel, S., Jeunet, C., Massa, E., Bellec, D., Fonteneau, E. & Charras, P. (2020). Working Memory Resource Depletion Effect in Academic Learning: Steps to an Integrated Approach. Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications, 4th International Symposium, H-WORKLOAD 2020., pp.13-26, 2020, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-62302-9_2⟩. ⟨hal-03130355⟩
2. Charras, P., Lupiáñez, J. & Bartolomeo, P. (2018). Spatial bias after brain damage: the case of visual neglect. In Spatial Biases, Editor: Timothy Hubbard. Cambridge University Press, 263-275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316651247
3. Charras, P. & Lupiáñez, J. (2010). Efectos de la frecuencia de aparición de estímulos y de señalización sobre la estimación de tamaño. In S. Estaun, E. Ananos & M. T Mas (Eds.), la atención (IV): un enfoque pluridisciplinar. Barcelona: Universidad Autonomo de Barcelona.
1. Lefèvre, Charras, & Attout. (2024). Mid-sagittal expression of the SPoARC effect? Poster presentation at the Workshop ‘’Relations between space, language, and numbers’’, Tuebingen, Germany. 10-12 April. Poster
2. Attout, Lefèvre, & Charras. (2024). Common mechanisms for spatialization of short and long-term information? Poster presentation at the Workshop ‘’Relations between space, language, and numbers’’, Tuebingen, Germany. 10-12 April. Poster
3. Capizzi, M., Charras, P. & Chica, A. B. (2023). Rhythmic temporal expectations do not improve visual awareness of spatially attended stimuli. Poster presentation at the Timing Research Forum, TRF, Lisbon, Portugal. 04-06 October. Poster
4. Attout, L., Capizzi, M., Mioni, G. & Charras, P. (2023). Temporal preparation in aging. Poster presentation at the Timing Research Forum, TRF, Lisbon, Portugal. 04-06 October. Poster
5. Attout, L., Capizzi, M., Mioni, G. & Charras, P. (2023). Temporal preparation in aging: a dissociation between automatic and controlled processes? Oral presentation at the 23ème ESCOP, Porto, Portugal. 06-09 September. Oral presentation
6. Charras, P., Grec, J., Söyük, M.Z., Herreros, L., Chica, A.B., & Capizzi, M. (2023). Endogenous Spatial and Temporal Orienting of Attention in a Temporal Resolution Task. Oral presentation at the 23ème ESCOP, Porto, Portugal. 06-09 September. Oral presentation
7. Castellanos, C., Vidaud-Laperrière, K., Lupiañez, J. & Charras, P. (2022). Space on time interference, but not the time on space one , is magnified in an emotional context. Poster presentation at the International APPE-SEPEX Meeting. Faro, Portugal. 05-07 May. Poster
8. Herreros, L., Söyük, M.Z., Charras, P., Chica, A.B., & Capizzi, M. (2022). Effects of isolated and combined spatial and temporal attention on temporal resolution. Poster presentation at the XIII Reunión Científica sobre Atención (RECA). Granada, Espagne. 06-08 October. Poster
9. García-López, E., Herreros, L., Charras, P., Capizzi, M., & Chica, A.B. (2022, 06-08 October). The role of exogenous spatial and temporal attention in conscious perception. Oral presentation at the XIII Reunión Científica sobre Atención (RECA). Granada, Espagne. 06-08 October. Oral presentation
10. Capizzi, M., Chica A.B., & Charras, P. (2022, 06-08 October). Synergistic effects of rhythm-based temporal expectations and exogenous spatial attention. Oral presentation at the XIII Reunión Científica sobre Atención (RECA). Granada, Espagne. Oral presentation
11. Capizzi, M., Chica A.B., & Charras, P. (2022, 27-30 September). Spatial and temporal expectations: Independent or interactive processes? Invited talk in the symposium "Anticipatory mechanisms for adapting behavior: A multi-domain perspective" at the XXX Conference of the Italian Association of Experimental Psychology. Padova, Italy. Oral presentation
12. Charras, P., Bourgaux, L., Frede, V. & Brunel, L. (2022). Association Espace-Nombre chez l'enfant d'âge scolaire. 14ème Colloque International RipsyDev. Montpellier, France. 2-3 juin. Communication orale. Oral presentation
13. Capizzi, M., Chica A.B., & Charras, P. (2022, 05-07 May). No evidence for a causal role of the left intraparietal sulcus in the temporal orienting of attention: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation study. Oral presentation at the International APPE-SEPEX Meeting. Faro, Portugal. Oral presentation
14. Charras, P., Chica A.B., & Capizzi, M. (2022, 29 August - 01 September). Spatial and temporal expectancies in visual perception. Poster presentation at the 22nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Lille, France. Poster
15. Charras, P & Capizzi, M. (2021). Independent contributions of rhythmic expectancy and endogenous spatial attention, Psychonomic, Nouvelle Orléans, Louisiane - USA, 4-5 novembre. Poster.
16. Charras, P, Chica, A. & Capizzi, M. (2021). Synergistic effects of rhythm and exogenous spatial attention, OPAM, Nouvelle Orléans, Louisiane - USA, 3 novembre. Poster.
17. Vidaud-Laperrière, K., Bourgaux, L., Syssau, A., & Charras, P. (2019). Test de l’effet SNARC chez des enfants préscolarisés avec l’utilisation d’un serious game, Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs Praxiling 2019, Montpellier, France, 7-8 novembre. Poster.
18. Vidaud-Laperrière, K. & Charras, P. (2019). The Flexibility of Time-on-Space Interference: The Role of Spatial Saliency and Interindividual Differences. ESCOP, Tenerife, Espagne, 25-28 septembre. Poster.
19. Sessa, N., Frede, V. & Charras, P. (2019). Cognitive Biases in Non-Symbolic Additions. ESCOP, Tenerife, Espagne, 25-28 septembre. Poster.
20. Tuffigo, M., Soret, R. & Charras, P. (2019). Orient your Attention in Time: A Paradigm to Assess Endogenous, Exogenous and Rhythmic Modes of Orienting. ESCOP, Tenerife, Espagne, 25-28 septembre. Poster.
21. Charras, P. (2019). Combining Spatial and Temporal Expectancies to Improve Visual Processing. ESCOP, Tenerife, Espagne, 25-28 septembre. Oral presentation
22. Soret, R., Charras, P., Hurter, C. & Peysakhovich, P. (2019). Attentional orienting in virtual reality using endogenous and exogenous cues in auditory and visual modalities. In ET4S’19: Eye Tracking for Spatial Research (ET4S), June 25–28, 2019, Denver, USA. Poster
23. Charras, P. (2019). Processus cognitifs et réussite scolaire en mathématiques. Journées Recherche des ESPE d’Occitanie, Narbonne, France, June 3th-5th. Oral presentation
24. Tuffigo, M., Soret, R. & Charras, P. (2019). Orient your Attention in Space and in Time. Jornadas cientificas, CIMCyC, Granada, Espagne, 14-16 mai. Poster
25. Charras, P. & Coull, J. (2017). Distinct roles for Supplementary Motor Area and feature-specific regions of the brain in the subjective distortion of time. First conference of the Timing Research Forum, Strasbourg, France, October 23th-25th. Poster
26. Vidaud-Laperrière & Charras, P. (2017). Spatial task difficulty modulates space-time interference. First conference of the Timing Research Forum, Strasbourg, France, October 23th-25th. Poster
27. Vidaud-Laperrière & Charras, P. (2017). Interférences Espace-Temps : Effet du contexte temporel sur la perception des distances. Société Française de Psychologie, Nice, France, August 29th-September 1st. Poster
28. Charras, P., Droit-Volet, S., Brechet, C., Coull, J. (2016). Spatial interference on temporal judgments: effect of depth in children and adults. Psychonomic Society, Granada, Espagne, May 5-8th. Oral presentation
29. Niang, C., Charras, P., Argon, S., Azevedo, C., Duffau, H., Guiraud, D., Bonnetblanc, F. (2011). Awake surgery: skills of neurosurgeon matter but those of patient too. How to optimize functional brain mapping by improving per-operatory testing? The International Conference of the European SKILLS Project (SKILLS Conference), Montpellier, France, December 15-16th. Poster
30. Charras, P., Lupiáñez, J. & Bartolomeo, P. (2011). Left-right imbalance and vertical-horizontal discrepancy in visual neglect. 34th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2011), Toulouse, France, August 28- September 1. Poster
31. Charras, P. & Lupiáñez, J. (2009). Repeated stimuli bias in addition: Is 15+15 smaller than 13+17?. XVI ESCOP conference, Cracow, Poland, September 2-5. Oral presentation
32. Charras, P., Lupiáñez, J. & Bartolomeo, P. (2009). Bisected line length perception in Neglect. 7a Reunión Científica sobre Atención (RECA-7), Granada, Espagne, April 23-25. Oral presentation
33. Charras, P., Lupiáñez, J. & Bartolomeo, P. (2009). Bisected line length perception in Neglect. Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco, USA, March 21-24. Poster
34. Charras, P. & Lupiáñez, J. (2008). Estimación de longitud y Asimetría del campo visual. VII SEPEX Conference, San Sebastián-Donostia, Espagne, April 3-5. Oral presentation
35. Charras, P. & Lupiáñez, J. (2007). Differential Effects of Exogenous and Endogenous Attention on length comparison processes. Rovereto Attention Workshop (RAW), Rovereto, Italy, October 11-13. Poster
36. Charras, P. & Lupiáñez, J. (2007). Symmetry and Size Estimation. XV ESCOP conference, Marseille, August 29 – September 1. Poster
37. Charras, P. & Lupiáñez, J. (2007). Bisection disrupts performances at judging line lengths. CIP07 - Segundo Congreso Ibérico de Percepción, Madrid, Espagne, July 4-6. Oral presentation
38. Charras, P. & Lupiáñez, J., (2007). Bisección de líneas y estimación de tamaño. 6ª Reunión Científica sobre Atención (RECA-6), Barcelona, Espagne, April 12-14. Oral presentation
39. Charras, P., Lupiáñez, J., & Brouillet, D. (2006). ¿Puede la atención modular la ilusión vertical horizontal? VII SEPEX Conference (Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental, SEPEX 06), Santiago de Compostela, Espagne, July 6-8. Oral presentation
40. Chica, A., Charras, P. & Lupiañez, J. (2006) Modulación de la ilusión de la línea en movimiento. VII SEPEX Conference (Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental, SEPEX 06), Santiago de Compostela, Espagne, July 6-8. Oral presentation
41. Chica, A., Charras, P. & Lupiañez, J. (2006) Orientación atencional endógena y exógena y la percepción de ilusiones: un análisis desde la teoría de detección de señales. VII SEPEX Conference (Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental, SEPEX 06), Santiago de Compostela, Espagne, July 6-8. Poster
42. Charras, P. & Brouillet, D. (2005). Episodic retrieval and perceptive illusion. 9th European Congress of Psychology, Granada, Espagne, July 3-8. Oral presentation
43. Charras, P. & Brouillet, D. (2004). Perception d’illusions optico-géométriques et appariement en mémoire. “Alternatives en sciences cognitives : enjeux et débats. 9ème colloque de l’ARCo”, Compiègne, France, December 8-10. Poster
Conférences invitées (n=11):
1. Mars 2022 – Neurophysiological correlates of Spatial & Temporal Attention. Présentation au sein Groupe de Recherche : Attention and Consciousness Research Group dirigé par Ana Chica. CIMCyC, Grenade, Espagne
2. Novembre 2021 - Spatial & Temporal Attention and Expectations. Présentation au sein Groupe de Recherche : HUM379: Cognitive Neuroscience Group dirigé par Juan Lupiañez. CIMCyC, Grenade, Espagne
3. Novembre 2019 - Spatial and Temporal Attentional Modes of Orienting? Présentation au sein Groupe de Recherche : HUM379: Cognitive Neuroscience Group dirigé par Juan Lupiañez. CYMCIC, Universidad de Granada, Espagne
4. Octobre 2019 - Reconnect ! From brain to behavior and back : Acalculia. Journée de travail pour projet H2020, financé par ANR MSREI, Investigateur prinicpal : Paolo Bartolomeo, Université de Naples, Italie
5. Mai 2018 - What can spatiotemporal interferences tell us about magnitude processing? Présentation au sein Groupe de Recherche : HUM379: Cognitive Neuroscience Group dirigé par Juan Lupiañez. CYMCIC, Universidad de Granada, Espagne
6. Février 2017 - Additions are biased by operands: Is 26 + 26 smaller than 24 + 28? Laboratoire Vision, Action, Cognition (VAC), Paris 5, France
7. Octobre 2016 - Spatial interference on temporal judgments in children. Présentation dans le symposium « Deficit di rappresentazione Temporale e disturbi del neurosviluppo », Turin, Italie
8. Janvier 2015 - Développement de la Perception Visuelle de Stimuli Emotionnels, Laboratoire de Psychologie Epsylon, Université de Montpellier III, Montpellier, France
9. Février 2013 - What brain tumor and brain surgery can tell us about functional reorganization of attentional networks? Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, Marseille, France
10. Mars 2011 - Brain and Behavior in Humans: What brain surgery can tell us about cognitive and motor functions? LIRMM, Montpellier, France
11. Juin 2010 - Space Processing in Left Neglect, Department of Psychology, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Responsabilité des enseignements à l’UPVM :
- 2021-2024 - Responsabilités d’ECUE
Licence (L1, L2, L3)
* TE33PS et BE33PS Psychologie cognitive (750 étudiants à Montpellier, 14 groupes de TD, Enseignement dispensés également à la cohorte de L2 MIASH – 90 étudiants à Béziers)
* TE58CGPS et BE58CGPS Cerveau & Psycho (450 étudiants à Montpellier– 30 étudiants à Béziers)
* TE5PS1PS et BE5PS1PS Recherche en Psychologie (550 étudiants à Montpellier, – 30 étudiants à Béziers)
Master (M1, M2)
* TW112PS Méthodologie de la mesure du comportement en Psychologie (200 étudiants à Montpellier, 8 promotions de Master 1 en psychologie)
* TV12PS & TV22PS Méthode de Projet Bases et Approfondissement
* TW233PSC Techniques de Neurophysiologie en psychologie
- 2015-2021 - Responsabilités d’ECUE
* Licence 2 E41PS5 (6ECTS) : Intitulé : Approfondissements en Psychologie Cognitive - CM et TD de Psychologie Cognitive - Volume horaire : 20h - Nombre de groupes : 10 (450 étudiants)
* Master 1 Master Dynamiques Cognitives et Sociocognitives - V23PSD5 (4ECTS) - Intitulé : Professionnalisation et applications de la recherche en psychologie - CM d’Initiation à la recherche appliquée - Volume horaire : 24h - Nombre de groupes : 1 groupe / 20 étudiants
* Master 1 Master Evaluation du fonctionnement cognitif et des comportements - W232PSC5 - (4ECTS) - Intitulé : Méthode de Projet - CM d’Initiation à la méthode de projet - Volume horaire : 24h - Nombre de groupes : 1 groupe / 20 étudiants
* Master 1 Enseignement optionnel du tronc commun - W111PS5 - (4ECTS) - Intitulé : Méthodologie de la planification d'une expérience - CM d’Introduction aux Neurosciences Cognitives - Volume horaire : 26h - Nombre de groupes : 1 groupe / 50 étudiants
* Master 2 Master Dynamiques Cognitives et Sociocognitives - W312PSD5 (4ECTS) - Intitulé : Gestion des Projet de recherche - TD d’initiation à la demande de financements pour la recherche - Volume horaire : 26h - Nombre de groupes : 1 groupe / 20 étudiants
- Tableau 1 : Récapitulatif du volume horaire total en tant que MCF- Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3
Volume horaire total --> 2612 HTD
Année universitaire HTD déclarées
2023-2024 415
2022-2023 400
2021-2022 347
2020-2021 334
2019-2020 162
2018-2019 232
2017-2018 255
2016-2017 297
2015 -2016 218